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Corinthians, � um dos alvos. Se inscreva no canal de Marcelo Hazan do YouTube Siga tamb�m @Marcelo_Haz No TwitterSigas ainda -#marcellos-Shazarr Instagram sigada n�o ($ MarCELO/haza na TikTo k Yogi Tamb�m " #Barecello__AZno Kwai S� sim eii marclinho_2HAh o Facebook Texto que relata acontecimentos ou baseadopalpites para apostar no futebol hojefatos E dados observadomou verificados diretamente pelo jornalista as obtidos por acesso a fontes jornal�sticaS reconhecidas da


Em 1988, foi para a CNT, onde permaneceu at� 1995. Por fim, foi escolhido como apresentador do programa "A Outra Vez" da emissora, onde ficou h� 3 anos, apresentando o "Jornal da Record". palpites para apostar no futebol hoje
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palpites para apostar no futebol hoje

Chess is played on a board of 64 squares arranged in eight vertical rows called files and eight horizontal rows called ranks.

These squares alternate between two colours: one light, such as white, beige, or yellow; and the other dark, such as black or green.

The board is set between the two opponents so that each player has a light-coloured square at the right-hand corner.

Individual moves and entire games can be recorded using one of several forms of notation.

By far the most widely used form, algebraic (or coordinate) notation, identifies each square from the point of view of the player with the light-coloured pieces, called White.

The eight ranks are numbered 1 through 8 beginning with the rank closest to White.

The files are labeled a through h beginning with the file at White's left hand.

Each square has a name consisting of its letter and number, such as b3 or g8.

Additionally, files a through d are referred to as the queenside, and files e through h as the kingside.See Figure 1.


The board represents a battlefield in which two armies fight to capture each other's king.

A player's army consists of 16 pieces that begin play on the two ranks closest to that player.

There are six different types of pieces: king, rook, bishop, queen, knight, and pawn; the pieces are distinguished by appearance and by how they move.

The players alternate moves, White going first.

King White's king begins the game on e1.

Black's king is opposite at e8.

Each king can move one square in any direction; e.g.

, White's king can move from e1 to d1, d2, e2, f2, or f1.

Rook Each player has two rooks (formerly also known as castles), which begin the game on the corner squares a1 and h1 for White, a8 and h8 for Black.

A rook can move vertically or horizontally to any unobstructed square along the file or rank on which it is placed.

Bishop Each player has two bishops, and they begin the game at c1 and f1 for White, c8 and f8 for Black.

A bishop can move to any unobstructed square on the diagonal on which it is placed.

Therefore, each player has one bishop that travels only on light-coloured squares and one bishop that travels only on dark-coloured squares.

Queen Each player has one queen, which combines the powers of the rook and bishop and is thus the most mobile and powerful piece.

The White queen begins at d1, the Black queen at d8.

Knight Each player has two knights, and they begin the game on the squares between their rooks and bishops-i.e.

, at b1 and g1 for White and b8 and g8 for Black.

The knight has the trickiest move, an L-shape of two steps: first one square like a rook, then one square like a bishop, but always in a direction away from the starting square.

A knight at e4 could move to f2, g3, g5, f6, d6, c5, c3, or d2.

The knight has the unique ability to jump over any other piece to reach its destination.

It always moves to a square of a different colour.

Capturing The king, rook, bishop, queen, and knight capture enemy pieces in the same manner that they move.

For example, a White queen on d3 can capture a Black rook at h7 by moving to h7 and removing the enemy piece from the board.

Pieces can capture only enemy pieces.

Pawns Each player has eight pawns, which begin the game on the second rank closest to each player; i.e.

, White's pawns start at a2, b2, c2, and so on, while Black's pawns start at a7, b7, c7, and so on.

The pawns are unique in several ways.

A pawn can move only forward; it can never retreat.

It moves differently than it captures.

A pawn moves to the square directly ahead of it but captures on the squares diagonally in front of it; e.g.

, a White pawn at f5 can move to f6 but can capture only on g6 or e6.

An unmoved pawn has the option of moving one or two squares forward.

This is the reason for another peculiar option, called en passant-that is, in passing-available to a pawn when an enemy pawn on an adjoining file advances two squares on its initial move and could have been captured had it moved only one square.

The first pawn can take the advancing pawn en passant, as if it had advanced only one square.

An en passant capture must be made then or not at all.

Only pawns can be captured en passant.

The last unique feature of the pawn occurs if it reaches the end of a file; it must then be promoted to-that is, exchanged for-a queen, rook, bishop, or knight.

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