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Players at CoinPoker?? can deposit and withdraw funds using ETH tokens, or the ERC-20 token CHP (Chips). All transactions to and from CoinPoker?? are publicly visible on the Ethereum blockchain as opposed to the one-sided approach to financial handling on traditional online poker?? sites.

Por Filipe Matoso, GloboNews � Bras�lia

Por Felipe Matos..., GNews | Bras�lia -07/12/2023 00h00 Atualizado 07/11/2023 00?? horas00

Atualmente, o Brasil ocupa a presid�ncia tempor�ria do Mercosul

Na reuni�o desta quinta, ser� assinado um acordo do bloco com Singapura

Segundo?? o Itamaraty, a acordo pode representar incremento de R$ 28 bilh�es no PIB brasileiro at� 2041

Inicialmente, havia a expectativa de?? an�ncio da conclus�o


Entretanto, a Fran�a tem feito oposi��o a termos do acordo

As tratativas, segundo diplomatas brasileiros, v�o continuar

Presidente Lula na?? 62� c�pula do Mercosul, na Argentina �
poker scope
: Ricardo Stuckert/Presid�ncia da Rep�blica

Representantes dos pa�ses que integram o Mercosul se re�nem?? nesta quinta-feira (7) no Rio de Janeiro para a c�pula

O Mercosul busca garantir a integra��o entre pa�ses da regi�o, implementando?? a uni�o entre os pa�ses

parcerias em n�vel comercial, pol�tico e diplom�tico, al�m de aumentar os investimentos.

parparceria em n�veis comercial e?? pol�tico, tamb�m aumentou a participa��o dos investimentos no bloco, em julho deste ano, o Brasil colocou como uma das prioridades?? a tentativa de conclus�o dos acordos comerciais em negocia��o, com a realiza��o de novas rodadas de conversas.�

Ao assumir a presid�ncia?? tempor�ria do bloco.Em julho de 2023, a Presid�ncia tempor�ria da Uni�o Europeia, cujas tratativas foram realizadas em agosto deste

ocorrem desde?? 1999.

O objetivo da diplomacia brasileira era anunciar a conclus�o das negocia��es ainda na c�pula que come�a nesta quinta-feira no Rio?? de Janeiro, mas um posicionamento recente da Fran�a frustrou os planos. As conversas, no entanto, v�o prosseguir, dizem diplomatas. Oficialmente,?? o Minist�rio das Rela��es Exteriores j� confirmou que, durante a c�pula, ser� assinado o acordo comercial com Singapura e tamb�m?? ser� promulgado o Protocolo de Ades�o da Bol�via ao Mercosul � at� ent�o,

integrava o grupo na condi��o de Estado Associado,?? assim como Chile, Col�mbia e Equador, por exemplo.

Lula diz que vai insistir em tentativa de acordo do Mercosul com a?? UE

Os acordos comerciais

Ao assumir a presid�ncia do Brasil listou os seguintes acordos comercial como priorit�rios para o bloco:

Uni�o EuropeiaEFTASingapuraCanad�Vietn�Indon�sia

O acordo?? teve a primeira parte da negocia��o encerrada em 2023. Desde ent�o, foi iniciada a fase de revis�o. Os

dois blocos, no?? entanto, ainda n�o chegaram a um entendimento final sobre o texto.

dois bloco, contudo, j� n�o est�o a uma entendimento finais?? sobre a texto, o que n�o foi bem recebido pelo Mercosul.Entre outros pontos, a Uni�o Europeia incluiu um documento adicional?? que, em linhas gerais, prev� san��es em caso de descumprimento de metas ambientais, ou seja, san��es para as chamadas compras?? governamentais (medida que o governo Lula entende ser necess�ria para estimular a ind�stria nacional).


colocou no topo das prioridades o fechamento?? do acordo com a Uni�o Europeia, e o presidente Lula j� disse que, enquanto n�o terminar a presid�ncia brasileira, o?? pa�s buscar� concluir as negocia��es.

Pa�ses como a Espanha e a Alemanha - al�m da pr�pria Comiss�o Europeia - defendem o?? encerramento do Acordo. A Fran�a, porpoker scopevez, se posiciona contra a assinatura.A Fran�a e Macron na COP 28 �??
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: Ricardo Stuckert

Lula e Emmanuel na Cop 28

europeus que n�o integram a Uni�o Europeia: Noruega, Su��a, Isl�ndia e Lichenstein.

O acordo?? come�ou a ser negociado em 2023 e envolve �reas como servi�os, investimentos, compras governamentais, facilita��o do com�rcio e desenvolvimento sustent�vel.De?? acordo com o Itamaraty, desde 2023 as partes t�m tentado �equacionar as �ltimas pend�ncias� para iniciar a fase de revis�o?? do acordo. Ainda segundo o governo brasileiro, houve novas conversas em 2024, e o objetivo � concluir as negocia��es

informou qual?? a previs�o de conclus�o.

informOU qual o previs�o para conclus�o e qual � previs�o da previs�o e conclus�o da obra.Singapura

O Minist�rio?? das Rela��es Exteriores informou que o acordo comercial com Singapura ser� assinado durante a c�pula de l�deres do Mercosul no?? Rio de Janeiro. Este ser� o primeiro acordo comerciais do bloco com um pa�s da �sia.�

Segundo o Itamaraty, a acordo?? pode representar incremento de R$ 28 bilh�es no Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) brasileiro at� 20

brasileiras de �leos combust�veis, o quinto?? principal destino dos embarques de carne su�na, os cinco principais destinos dos exporta��es de �leo combust�veis e �leos brutos de?? petr�leo�, afirma o governo.


As conversas entre o Mercosul e o Canad� come�aram em 2003 e, um ano depois, as negocia��es?? em si. Ap�s tr�s rodadas, por�m, a conversas foram paralisadas em raz�o de diverg�ncias entre as partes. Em 2023,

De acordo?? com a p�gina oficial do.De

Itamaraty, desde ent�o, aconteceram sete rodadas de negocia��es. O governo tem evitado apresentar uma previs�o sobre?? quando o acordo dever� ser fechado, mas o Itamaraty afirma ser poss�vel concluir as conversas com �poucas rodadas adicionais de?? trabalho�.

Indon�sia e Vietn�

Quando o Brasil assumiu a presid�ncia do Mercosul, o governo informou que os acordos comerciais negociados com Indon�sia?? e Viet eram �importantes�, e n�o estavam �, como o Mercosul e o

Rela��es Exteriores, no caso do Vietn�, foi aberta?? consulta p�blica, mas ainda n�o foram publicados os resultados.

Em setembro, o primeiro-ministro Pham Mihn Chinh esteve em Bras�lia, e o?? presidente Lula refor�ou que o Brasil � um dos principais exportadores de soja, carne e algod�o para o Vietn� e?? que levaria aos demais l�deres do Mercosul a proposta de �avan�ar�com as discuss�es sobre o acordo comercial. As

J� no Caso?? da Indon�sia, tamb�m foi

negocia��es foram lan�adas em 2023.

Di�logos em busca de novos acordos

De acordo com o Minist�rio das Rela��es Exteriores,?? h� tamb�m di�logos iniciados com El Salvador e Rep�blica Dominicana para que, mais adiante, possam ser iniciadas oficialmente as negocia��es?? relacionadas ao eventual fechamento e acordos comerciais com esses pa�ses.�

Veja tamb�m

Santos perde em casa para o Fortaleza e � rebaixado?? pela primeira vez

V�DEO: �nibus e ve�culos s�o incendiados ap�s Santos ser rebaixado

Botafogo perde mais

e termina em 5� lugar

Classifica��o: Palmeiras, Gr�mio,?? Atl�tico-MG e Flamengo formam o G-4

Botafogo e Bragantino v�o disputar a fase pr� da Libertadores.

Em vit�ria de Tarc�sio, deputados de?? SP aprovam privatiza��o da Sabesp

Projeto autoriza estado a vender a��es da maior empresa de �gua e esgoto do Brasil. -e?? terminam em 6�

O ASSUNTO: por que os alunos brasileiros v�o t�o mal em matem�tica

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Folding simply means to let go of your cards and surrender the pot to another player. This?? applies to all forms of poker, not just Texas hold'em. To surrender your cards, or to fold them, simply toss?? them face-down into the muck,  a term used for the pile of cards that are no longer in?? play.
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GGPoker hand history - how to download and import into a poker tracker?

The Good Game

poker network (GGPoker, PokerOK, Natural8)?? is the opponent of any poker software.

Neither poker trackers nor auxiliary programs like StarsCaption work at GGPoker. The

reason?? is the desire to create the same conditions for all players. According to

management, poker software gives professional poker players?? an unfair advantage.


the network was founded in 2014 until recently, hand history has been unavailable.

However, on November 4,?? 2024, Good Game went to meet the requests of the players. Today

we'll talk about how to download hand history?? and import it into a poker tracker.


to download hand history from GGPoker - step by step instructions

1. Log in?? to your

account through the poker room client (in our example, this is PokerOK).

2. Go to

PokerCraft. It will open?? as a new page in your browser.

3. There are many subsections

in the PokerCraft tab, but we are only interested?? in:

Rush & Cash;





You cannot download the entire hand history from GGPoker with one button.

You will have to go?? to each of the subsections and download it separately.

4. To

download your hand history, go to Holdem, select the files?? with the checkboxes and

click on the Game History window that appears. Hand history files are split into

sessions. Then?? click on "Download". The download process will begin.

The history from

GGPoker is saved on the computer as an archive. For?? further work with HH you need an

archiver. Free WinRAR will do the trick.

Features of GGPoker hand histories


inconvenience of?? working with hand histories from GGPoker is not limited to the

download process and the need to unpack the archive.?? Other features of HH:

saved in

text format txt. This makes it difficult for poker trackers to work when importing hand

?? histories;

all opponents' nicknames are displayed as encrypted combinations of numbers

and letters. It will not be possible to do any?? analysis of the game of opponents and


you are marked as �Hero� in the hand histories. A common mistake of?? players is

to search the tracker database by their real nickname on the Good Game network.

Of the

poker trackers, only?? PokerTracker 4 and Holdem Manager 3 are able to import hand

histories from GGPoker. Hand2Note still doesn't support HH directly.

How?? do I import my

hand history into Holdem Manager 3?

Holdem Manager 3 was the first to add the

possibility to?? import hand histories from GGPoker.

1. Unpack the archive (Extract

files...) with hand history into a separate folder. Do not unpack?? the downloaded files

to your desktop, otherwise they will fill up the entire space of your screen and

complicate your?? work.

2. Launch Holdem Manager 3;

3. At the top of the HM3 window,

sequentially click on "File" - "Import Folder". The?? process of importing hands into

your database will begin. If the hand history is voluminous (from 100,000 and above),

then?? the import will take a long time.

How do I import my hand history into

PokerTracker 4?

After downloading the hand histories?? from GGPoker, you need to:


Unpack the archive with hand history into a separate folder.

2. Launch PokerTracker


3. In the?? "Play Poker" tab, click on "Get Hands From Disk", then on "Select

Directory". Select the hands folder and the import?? will start.

How to import hand

history from GGPoker to Hand2Note?

Despite numerous requests from users, Hand2Note

developers have not yet added?? the possibility to import hand histories from GGPoker to

the tracker. However, there is a workaround:

1. A converter for GGPoker?? appeared on the

official Hand2Note website on March 21. When using it, you can convert hands from Good

Game into?? a format that the tracker understands.

2. Enter your email address, add the

downloaded hand history using �Browse Files� and click?? on �Convert�. The converted data

will be sent to your mail.

3. Start the poker tracker.

4. Next, create a new database

?? and import the files into Hand2Note. The database is created in a few clicks:

"Configuration" - "Database" - "Create Database".?? Give a name to the new database,

click "Activate" and restart the poker tracker.

How do I import my hand history?? into


DriveHUD also supports importing hand histories from GGPoker:

1. Launch


2. On the right side of the poker tracker, click?? on the "Import" button and

select "Import from directory";

3. Specify the folder with hand history.

How to speed

up the import?? of files into a poker tracker?

If you are uploading a large volume of

files to any of the listed poker?? trackers, the import process will be slow. The reason

for the low speed - the history of hands from GGPoker?? is saved in the format: "1 hand -

1 file". Therefore, the tracker loses time each time opening a new?? file and the entire

import process is delayed. There is an easy way to speed up the process. You need?? to

combine all files into one:

1. Click on the "Windows" icon and write "cmd" in the


2. Run Command Prompt?? as administrator using the right mouse button.

3. In the

command line, select the disc with your hand history. If it?? is on the C drive, then

nothing needs to be changed.

4. Point to the desired folder in the command the?? bottom

line. To do this, enter "cd E" and copy the address with the folder from the


5. Enter the?? command shown in the screenshot below and press "Enter".


process of combining the files will begin. As a result, all?? hands will be in one file

and this will save you a lot of time.

How to play on PokerOK with?? statistics and


In October 2024, we added the GGConverter to our catalog. The converter allows you

to play with statistics?? and HUD on PokerOK and other poker rooms of the network in real

time. The program supports all leading poker?? trackers: Hand2Note, Holdem Manager 3,

PokerTracker 4. While it works only with the mobile version of PokerOK. You will need

?? an emulator to play the game. We recommend LDplayer or NoxPlayer.

We offer a free trial

version of GGConverter. It does?? not differ from the paid version. To get the trial

please contact us in any way. All information how to?? install and configure the

converter is in the manual.

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